* This is a revolutionary App that allows you to set the Sound.
* Basic Piano Sound Settings.(Attack, Sustain, Release,)
[ Hard, 2, Soft ]
[ Short, 2, 3, 4, Long ]
[ Short, 2, 3, 4, 5, Long ]
* Effect Synth Sound Settings.
[ None, Tremolo, AutoPan, Sporth, Wah 1, Wah 2, Variable, Delay , Fatten, Reverb 1, Reverb 2, Reverb 3, Reverb 4, Reverb 5, Reverb 6, Flanger, PitchShifter, Distortion 1, Distortion 2, Distortion 3, Distortion 4, Distortion 5 ]
* Adjustable octave (2〜6).
* Adjustable keyboard size (12〜36).
* Includes Recording and Loop functions.
* Suitable for Jam Sessions and Lessons.
* You can play while watching the score on iPad.
* Two keyboards (iPad).